DigiLink hosts and expertly maintains systems for some of the web's most demanding customers. Whether your web site is critical to your enterprise or just a personal endeavor, your servers should be responsive to visitors and always available. DigiLink hosts servers of various types for some of the most demanding customers, and capably maintains and manages the servers to keep these customer's sites & services up and running and performing efficiently around the clock.
DigiLink's Network Operations Center is the perfect environment for your web site or server. A climate controlled, secure environment, where the servers enjoy tremendous high speed connectivity to DigiLink's core network and to the Internet. Why re-invent the wheel?
Domain Name Registration
If you have not yet registered your domain, DigiLink's online Domain Name Registration site offers quick and easy domain name registration.
Web Hosting
If you are simply looking for a robust enviroment to house your web site with blazing fast connectivity to the Internet, DigiLink's web hosting services are the perfect choice. Upload your web site to our lightning fast Unix based web servers and enjoy rock solid performance and reliability without any of the hassle.
e-Mail Hosting
With DigiLink's e-Mail Hosting service, your company can enjoy all the benefits of e-Mail without the hassle associated with the ongoing maintenance, backup, and upgrades associated with caring for the server. Even protecting the e-Mail server from viruses is in our court.
Is your e-mail box overflowing with unwanted and unsolicited junk mail ("spam")? Are you concerned about the security threat that e-mail viruses pose? Both spam and viruses represent a very real headache for users and corporate network administrators alike. Our Anti-Spam/Anti-Virus service is designed to minimize these problems.This optional service can scan your inbound messages before they are passed along to your mail server.
Server Co-Location
If you already have your own server, or plan to run a sophisticated web application that demands a dedicated server, DigiLink's Server Co-Location services may be just what you're looking for. When you place your server in our Network Operations Center, you have a server you can completely control in an environment that you don't have to worry about.