Whether your web site is critical to your enterprise, or just a personal endeavor, your site should be responsive to visitors and always available. DigiLink hosts web sites for some of the most demanding customers. We capably maintain and manage web services to keep these customers' sites up and running, and performing efficiently around the clock. DigiLink is proud to offer hosting on a variety of high-performance systems, including Solaris (UNIX) based systems.
- Up to 5 gigabytes of space for web and/or FTP usage.
- up to 30 gigabytes of transfer included per month
- Up to 5 DNS entry to Vhost (we will host DNS services for a single domain for you on our DNS servers, and maintain up to 5 entries pointing to a single IP address)
- Windows networking access to your web/FTP directory (via Samba)
- Scripting/Programmability *
- Logging/Statistics
- Access to server log files
- Web site statistics made available to you via a private web interface
* Development & integration services are not included
Web/FTP services
Mail services
- $35/month or $380/year (pre-paid)
- Setup: $50
Base Package
- Additional data transfer: from $2 per gigabyte
- Additional data storage: $15 per gigabyte
- Additional POP mailboxes: starting at $10 for 10 additional mailboxes plus 1 gigabyte storage
Pre-Paid Additions(optional)
- Real Audio/Video Streams $25 setup, $20 monthly per each 5 stream sources
- Quicktime Audio/Video Streams $25 setup, $20 monthly per each additional 5 streams
Streaming Multimedia
Note that we also offer custom solutions for the hosting of web applications that require features such as, SSL security, database back-ends, application servers, etc. Whether you need to add some simple back end processing or you are looking to implement a full e-Commerce solution, we can provide you with the proper infrastructure. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements and we will be happy to present you a quote for such a solution.
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